Friday, July 10, 2009

A change of pace...

Well now that MAC Camp is *officially* wrapped up, I have the opportunity to explore different departments and areas of Free Arts. I am really excited and thankful for these upcoming opportunities because these projects are exposing me to different situations that I may not be most comfortable with, but eager to learn about. Here are some examples of my up coming projects.

Professional Artist Series:

The program manager of the Professional Artist Series (PAS) approached me with a project to help prepare for PAS this upcoming year. Re-Creative Art Center offered to pay the artist themselves if Free Arts uses them in their program, saving Free Arts a lot of money. However, this is drastically changing the current schedule that was almost inplace for PAS, so my job is to call all the facility sites and discuss with them about the different artists we are offering and their interest in them, time frame that works for the artist to come, population of the youth at the facility, etc. I take this information and then enter it into a spreadsheet on excel. From this, the program manager can incorporate them into the schedule for this upcoming year.

Mentor Coach Proposal:

I am currently in the process of helping the Weekly Mentor program manager develop a proposal for a new program she is trying to create: the Mentor Coaching program. Mentor Coaches are going to serve as a resource for current weekly mentors and offer trainings in different areas like creative problem solving, group management, etc. It is really exciting because I never had to develop a proposal before! I also get to assist in helping develop the logistics of the program, such as what it will look like, the what exactly they will do, how they will complete there job. It's really exciting to be in the middle of trying to develop this very new program! It's a cool experience and even though I have never done anything like this before, I love doing things like this so I'm really excited!


I have yet to find out exactly what my job will be in marketing, but I will either be helping out with online campaigns, planning 3rd party events, or on one of the biggest fundraisers: Pallete of Homes Tour.

IKEA Event:

The last major project I'm working on is assisting the volunteer and outreach coordinator with the IKEA event that will be held on July 18th at the store. This event serves as a community awareness event. While I joined on this project quite late in the game, I still get to do things like follow up with volunteers, addressing concerns with the event as they arrive with the head contact over at IKEA, etc.

That is what my next month will look like! I know there are few other things that I'm going to be doing, but this is the majority of it for now!

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