Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Welcome to MAC Land!

Welcome to MAC Land, please enjoy your visit! 

So I'm about 2.5 weeks into my internship and man, oh man, have we been busy! 

The program department has been swamped with MAC stuff and we are in a scramble to get things done. Most of the program staff time is spent either interviewing and finger printing potential volunteers for camp, trying to recruit more volunteers, or getting the art supplies ready to go. 

Here's the breakdown of basically what I have been doing:

1. Entering in campers information: pretty self explanatory--entering in about 120 children's names and information into a spread sheet so we can know the basics at a glance.

2. Print, copying, more printing, copying, fighting with the copier, print: I never realized the value and money that goes into printing documents until now. I have probably printed over 1500 pages in the past week alone, most of it on cardstock for camp. Me and the copier do not get along well. 

3. Prepping supplies: this involves making name tags, getting together bags of supplies for counselors, inventorying snacks, etc.

4. eTapestry: basically I enter new volunteers into a database that the organization uses track volunteers, donors, or staff interactions. 

6. Facility orientation: meeting with facilities who are bringing kids to camp and telling them what to expect, bring, do each day, etc. It's cool to see the different agencies that Free Arts partners with and getting to know the organization better.

7. Whatever else gets thrown my way!

So yeah--it's been busy! I haven't had a chance to explore or talk to the other departments really since 99.9% of my work right now revolves around camp. Sorry this was kind of a dull post--I just wanted a brief update on what I was actually doing before talking about more interesting stuff.

Peace and love

Lauren Z.

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